VAC-SIL® Quality Membranes have been specifically designed to be used as vacuum membranes for Solar/P.V. module lamination plus forming or thermopressing vinyl foil veneers on woodwork and composites in aerospace, F1 cars, marine and other general products.
You’ll find the Comparison Chart in the Brochures & Helpful Documents section of our Downloads page along with the VAC-SIL® 9 Point Production Process Quality Plan and the VAC-SIL® main Brochure.
You’ll might also find useful our White Paper: A Guide to Solar P.V. Module Lamination Membranes – which provides a clear insight into this specialised lamination (vacuum-forming) process.
To request your own Samples Sheet, please Contact us and we’ll arrnage to get one sent out to you with any other information you may be interested in.
J-Flex can also supply a range of solar panel production components such as Squeegee Edge Profiles, Beltings, Vacuum Seals and Release Sheets – find out more here.